How Agencies Can Successfully Recover From COVID?

Over the past few months, virtually every industry has been impacted by Corona virus – and the marketing world is no exception. As businesses reel back their advertising budgets, agencies are asking one question; “What can we do to recover from COVID?” 

If you’re the owner of a marketing agency, you may be wondering how you can navigate the uncertain world of post-Corona advertising. Here are a few key areas you can focus on to get back on track and start creating incredible results for your clients.

Show brands that you’re ready for action

Corona virus will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on businesses throughout the world. It’s predicted that it may take years for some to financially recover from the past few months. However, what we can safely assume is that brands will eventually need expert marketing advice to gain back the ground they lost.

Keeping in contact with your clients during this time is incredibly important. Not only does it show that you value them as a business, but it shows that you’re ready to help them in any way possible.

Post photos of your team working from home. Speak to clients on the phone about tailored services that can help them through the post-Corona slump. Publish social media content that shows the authority and expertise of your agency at a time when brands need more guidance than ever.

When businesses decide that it’s time to ramp up their marketing game, they’ll be more likely to remember you over other agencies that failed to 

Stay on top of emerging market trends

The marketing industry isn’t the same as it was at the beginning of the year. Coronavirus had a huge impact on the way consumers connect with brands, what they expect from them and even how they choose to buy products or services. On top of this, people are spending less due to loss of income, but they are also primarily using online channels to buy the things they do need. In short, digital marketing has never been more important.

As an agency, you and your team need to know these changes better than anyone – because it will directly impact how successful your client campaigns are after COVID.

When you speak to clients about their marketing options moving forward, it will reassure them to hear that you’ve done your research into the consumer trends specific to their industry.

Familiarizing yourself with these changes now will allow your team to refine each marketing strategy and create timely, innovative campaigns that reflect the changing needs of consumers. 

Continue creating content

If content creation for your agency’s website and social platforms was one of the first tasks to fly out the window when COVID began, it’s time to make it a priority again.

There has never been a better opportunity to showcase what your agency stands for and how you’re adapting to the whirlwind changes that are happening around you.

While you may be worried about becoming one of ‘those’ brands who say the wrong thing, the truth is that businesses who go silent during this time risk being dwarfed by those who aren’t afraid to be open and honest. 

Helpful blogs on how small businesses can improve their marketing; regular newsletters keeping your clients up to date with consumer trends; a landing page detailing how your team is staying safe and healthy during this time – these are just a few examples of great content you can create to stay connected with your audience.

You don’t want to inundate people with messages, but you also want to show them that you’re still alive and trying to help them in such a difficult time. By connecting with your audience in an honest and empathetic way, you will be able to develop far more personable and rewarding client relationships that will prove beneficial in the long-run.

Be prepared to think outside the box

As the world begins to move past COVID, many agency clients will have less money to spend on their marketing. Combine this with the major changes we’ve seen in consumer behavior recently, and marketers need to be ready to think differently in order to create truly exceptional campaigns.

The good news? There were plenty of innovative marketing ideas over the past few months to provide inspiration for campaigns. It’s become clear that audiences respond well to brands who put their personality into their messaging, so you should encourage your team to come up with ideas that do the same.

Remember; we’re marketing in a vastly different landscape than we were a few months ago, so it’s important to change the way you create campaigns accordingly.

Focus on building trust through campaigns

Generating trust between client and consumer has never been more important than it is right now. As COVID effected every corner of the world, consumers became disillusioned with brands who came across as disingenuous, opportunistic or just plain ignorant in their marketing.

On the flip-side, businesses who took the time to maintain a personable connection with customers thrived – and this is what your agency should be aiming to do with all client campaigns moving forward.

The days of the hard-sell are well and truly gone. Consumers want to know that the brands they’re buying from are socially responsible, transparent and trustworthy. This is why it’s now imperative to help your clients truly get to know their audience before creating a campaign that reflects their wants and needs.

What values mean the most to these consumers? What issues are affecting their lives? What are the most important influences in their buyer journey? Answering these questions and incorporating them into a strong, consistent campaign, is the only way to gain the trust of consumers.

This is a long-game approach; it won’t instantly increase sales or gain thousands of website visitors, but it will set your clients up for sustainable success that can weather any storm.
